The Elevator
The mission of Eva's Village is to provide care and support for people who are struggling with poverty, hunger, homelessness, and addiction. Eva's Village provides a recovery-oriented community of supportive services which include food, shelter, addiction and mental health treatment, childcare, job training, medical and dental care, and housing.
The Reason
Of all the behavioral health issues that strip a person of their dignity and ability to survive, addiction is arguably the worst in terms of the cost to human life and the cost to society as well. The opioid epidemic is gripping the entire state of New Jersey with a rate of fatalities due to opioid overdose upwards of three times the national rate. Prescription drugs - particularly opioid-based painkillers - have fueled the rise in heroin use.
The How
Treatment, Recovery and Medical Programs offered at Eva’s Village Include:
Recovery Community Center
Opioid Overdose Recovery Program (OORP)
Substance Use Disorders Treatment for Men
Substance Use Disorders Treatment for Women
Substance Use Disorders Treatment for Mothers with Children : Hope Residence
Outpatient Substance Use Disorders Program
Outpatient Mental Health Program
Medical and Dental Clinic